
In this example we will demonstrate computing distances between persistence diagrams. We will use Ripserer.jl to generate the diagrams.

using Ripserer
using PersistenceDiagrams
using Plots

We will again look at the persistent homology of a square with a round hole in the center.

function cutout(n)
    points = NTuple{2, Float64}[]
    while length(points) < n
        x, y = (8rand() - 4, 8rand() - 4)
        if x^2 + y^2 > 1
            push!(points, (x, y))

In this example, we're interested in the first persistent homology group of two samples of this space, one with 1000 points and another with 500 points.

cutout_1 = cutout(1000)
cutout_2 = cutout(500)

We compute the first persistence diagrams.

_, result_1 = ripserer(cutout_1)
_, result_2 = ripserer(cutout_2)

plot(plot(result_1, title="cutout_1", markercolor=2, xlim=(0, 2.2), ylim=(0, 2.2)),
     plot(result_2, title="cutout_2", markercolor=3, xlim=(0, 2.2), ylim=(0, 2.2)))

We notice the diagrams are similar. We can formally describe this similarity with the Bottleneck and Wasserstein distances. First, let's look at their definitions.

The $q$-th Wasserstein distance is defined as

\[W_q(X,Y)=\left[\inf_{\eta:X\rightarrow Y}\sum_{x\in X}||x-\eta(x)||_\infty^q\right],\]

where $X$ and $Y$ are the persistence diagrams and $\eta$ is a perfect matching between the intervals. We also include the points on the diagonals of $X$ and $Y$ to ensure a perfect matching always exists.

The bottleneck distance $W_\infty$ is defined in a similar manner, as

\[W_\infty(X, Y) = \inf_{\eta:X\rightarrow Y} \sup_{x\in X} ||x-\eta(x)||_\infty.\]

In other words, the value of the Wasserstein distance between to diagrams is equal to the $q$-norm of the of the solution of the assignment problem. The value of the Bottleneck distance is equal to the maximum weight in the solution to the minimum weight perfect matching problem.

Now, let's look at what these distances say about the diagrams we have computed earlier.

We can construct a matching by using the matching function.

match_bottle = matching(Bottleneck(), result_1, result_2)
377-element bottleneck Matching with weight 0.23123212052133502:
 [0.626, 0.685) => [0.604, 0.916)
match_wasser = matching(Wasserstein(), result_1, result_2)
377-element Matching with weight 14.549558609060666:
 [0.123, 0.132) => [0.123, 0.123)
 [0.138, 0.151) => [0.132, 0.15)
 [0.149, 0.171) => [0.149, 0.149)
 [0.15, 0.169) => [0.15, 0.15)
 [0.151, 0.156) => [0.151, 0.151)
 [0.186, 0.195) => [0.186, 0.186)
 [0.195, 0.203) => [0.195, 0.195)
 [0.195, 0.199) => [0.195, 0.195)
 [0.196, 0.252) => [0.213, 0.252)
 [0.197, 0.218) => [0.197, 0.197)
 [0.685, 0.685) => [0.685, 0.825)
 [0.695, 0.695) => [0.695, 0.745)
 [0.695, 0.695) => [0.695, 0.892)
 [0.698, 0.698) => [0.698, 0.703)
 [0.713, 0.713) => [0.713, 0.724)
 [0.731, 0.731) => [0.731, 0.863)
 [0.744, 0.744) => [0.744, 0.753)
 [0.754, 0.754) => [0.754, 0.762)
 [0.773, 0.773) => [0.773, 0.87)
 [0.808, 0.808) => [0.808, 0.812)

We can access the distance as follows.


Or if we don't care about the matching, we can compute the distance directly.

distance(Wasserstein(), result_1, result_2)

We plot the matchings using the plot function.


In the case of the bottleneck distance, we can show the full matching by supplying the bottleneck=false parameter to plot.

plot(match_bottle, bottleneck=false)

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